
Police encircle Block Hotel in Hamburg.

The Block family faces a sizable task in Hamburg.

May 16, 2024
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Police officers guard the entrance to the hotel
Police officers guard the entrance to the hotel


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Could it be a disagreement within the family? - Police encircle Block Hotel in Hamburg.

Authorities swarmed the Grand Elysée Hotel in the Hanseatic city, owned by the family. Since early this morning, around 100 police officers and LKA have been deployed, fully encircling the structure and all entry points.

Police are guarding the entrances, stationing themselves near the stairs, elevators, and restaurants, as well as searching the supplier entrance's parking garage and incoming goods area. The reason for this large-scale operation remains uncertain.

Block family's drawn-out custody battle

Christina Block ("Block House"), heiress to the steakhouse, and her ex-husband Stephan Hensel have four children together: Johanna (17), Greta (15), Klara (13), and Theodor (10). Johanna is living with Stephan in Gravenstein (Denmark), while Greta resides with Christina in Hamburg.

Emergency vehicles on the roadside

The custody battle between the pair has captivated Germany for weeks.

Hensel took Klara (13) and Theodor (10) to Denmark during a visit in 2021. He claims the children are with him voluntarily and that there is "violence in the maternal household".

▶︎ On New Year's Eve, eight individuals attacked him, allegedly inflicting harm. They took Klara and Theodor to Germany.

Police presence inside the hotel too

However, just a few days after this event, the Hamburg Higher Regional Court issued a ruling that the children must be returned to their father.

▶︎ Danish authorities issued a European arrest warrant for Christina Block, later converted into a residence order in Germany.

Eugen Block, the steakhouse tycoon and Christina's father, is also deeply affected by the situation. Stephan Hensel refuses to let him see his grandchildren, and they were unable to give their fairwell to their grandmother when Christa Block (82) passed away in July.

Their family dispute occupies two countries: the Block couple in 2011 with their daughters Johanna (then 5, living with her father) and Greta (then 3, living with her mother)

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