
Police detain two individuals for committing street robberies.

Over the weekend, two robbers were apprehended by the police in Bremen-Mitte. Collaborating with the public prosecutor's office, arrest warrants were also secured.

May 14, 2024
1 min read
NewsKI-OTSBremenCrimeViolenceTheftRegionalBremen regional newsPolice
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Bremer city officials Bremer authorities adjust city policies - Police detain two individuals for committing street robberies.

On a Saturday, officers nabbed a 21-year-old man from Algeria who stole a high-end watch from a 56-year-old individual on Bürgermeister-Smidt-Straße. Onlookers grabbed the thief when he tried to make his escape and restrained him until the police came and took him into custody.

A 19-year-old Algerian man was detained on a Sunday in the old town after committing a robbery. He had stolen a gold necklace from a 66-year-old man in Heimlichenstraße. A female officer out for personal reasons apprehended the robber until a vigilant patrol arrived.

On a Monday, legal authorities requested arrest warrants for the two culprits. The investigation continues.

This information comes from official sources and was crafted using artificial intelligence.

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