
Police Conduct Four Gambling Raids in Salzburg

Illegal gambling raids occur in Salzburg, resulting in the seizure of numerous gaming machines. How were these operations conducted?

May 22, 2024
3 min read
Some of the machines are replaced overnight, often making it difficult for investigators to access...
Some of the machines are replaced overnight, often making it difficult for investigators to access them.


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Police Conduct Four Gambling Raids in Salzburg

The police in Salzburg have conducted four more raids against unlawful gambling and seized 69 unauthorized gaming systems. These raids resulted in fines of approximately half a million euros. The Austrian administration's battle against illegal gaming machine operators is continuing, but one expert suggests legalizing small-scale gambling in Salzburg instead. What will happen next?

Illegal gaming machines worth 250,000 euros

Since 2018, the Austrian financial police have been working vigorously against unlawful gambling. Four additional raids were recently conducted in Salzburg, where 69 gaming systems were confiscated, and fines of 500,000 euros were imposed on the operators. Prior to this, authorities followed up on several anonymous tips regarding suspicious premises. In one instance, a landlord raised concerns.

The operations took place over the span of a week, with more than 60 officers involved. Per the Ministry of Finance, the value of the confiscated gaming machines was approximately 250,000 euros. During the raids, investigators discovered individuals playing on the unregistered machines, with some of them inebriated.

Gambling establishments disguised as cafes or tanning salons

The first raid occurred at a bar in the city center of Salzburg, which was said to be disguised as a café. According to the police, the windows were covered with frosted tape and a sign stating that the location was closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. A second raid occurred at a bar near the main railway station, which had been disguised as a tanning salon.

A third raid took place at another neighboring bar, where eleven unlawful gaming machines had been installed just a few weeks prior. In addition to these machines, a betting terminal was also found. A fourth raid occurred in the city center after the landlord alerted the police. Three of the four venues were subsequently shut down by authorities.

Salzburg, along with Wels and Vienna, is now known as a stronghold for unlawful gambling in Austria. In the past few months, there have been extensive police operations in all three cities, with not only slot machines being discovered but also illegal poker games being dismantled. In Salzburg, a raid occurred in mid-December under the name Operation Jackpot, during which 177 unlawful machines, valuables, and large sums of money were confiscated. The majority of these machines were rigged to maximize profits for the operators.

Gangs from the East?

Regarding the latest raids, the police emphasized that the operators and owners of the pubs had broken six laws: they violated the Gambling Act, the Betting Operators Act, the Social Insurance Act (ASVG), the Trade Regulation Act, non-smoker protection regulations, and Covid-19 protection regulations. Some of the players present may also face charges.

Finance Minister Gernot Blümel (ÖVP) addressed this issue, noting that more and more organized gangs from the East were attempting to establish themselves in the Austrian gambling sector. These developments are being combatted with stricter controls by the financial police, who are putting considerable pressure on the criminal operators of unlawful venues.

Battle against windmills?

Strict regulations for installing gaming machines have been in place in Austria since 2012. In prime locations, these machines generate revenues of over 10,000 euros per month. Due to the authorities' failure to enact strict measures against unlawful gaming machines for an extended period, a gaming machine mafia has emerged that is difficult to control.

The offensive by the financial police is effectively a fight against windmills. Some of the illegal gaming machines are replaced overnight. Additionally, the masterminds are coming up with increasingly cunning methods to impede the work of the investigators. The gaming machines are sometimes deeply anchored with threaded rods and specific fixtures. They are often even embedded in concrete.

The situation has become reminiscent of an armed conflict. Police officers have been increasingly subjected to physical attacks. Stories of prepared devices that emit irritant gas when opened have made news headlines. Moreover, doors are sometimes electrified as soon as the investigators approach the scene.

Expert calls for legalization

Roman Neßhold, an expert from the Salzburg Institute for Gambling Addiction and Dependency, commented on the recent raids. He criticized the government for failing to stop the spread of unlawful gambling in Austria. Simultaneously, Neßhold advocated for the legalization of so-called small-scale gambling in Salzburg.

According to him, only legalization could thwart unlawful machines, as individuals suffering from gambling addiction are often forced into illegal establishments due to the monopoly of Casinos Austria. The authorities' strict gambling regulations have led to the emergence of a highly-connected illegal scene. This network is organized through word of mouth, social networks, and messenger services.

Although the financial police now act against unlawful operations on a weekly basis, no significant progress has been made. According to Neßhold, the true issue lies elsewhere. The government has yet to respond to his call for legalization.

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