
Police apprehend bicycle theft suspect (48) at the concert venue

A 48-year-old individual was seen attempting to open a bike lock by an onlooker, who then chased after him. The suspect was later apprehended and is currently being investigated.

May 24, 2024
1 min read
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Freiburg is a city located in Breisgau. - Police apprehend bicycle theft suspect (48) at the concert venue

Early morning on 24th May 2024, a guy broke the bicycle lock on platform 8 by using a hacksaw. He got caught by someone who saw him and ran towards Stühlingerbrücke. Later, a Federal Police team grabbed the German offender near Konzerthaus as he matched the given description. Found on him was the tool - a hacksaw. He is now being charged for attempting aggravated theft and causing damages to property. The hacksaw was taken as proof.

This text is primarily a replica of the original text, containing rephrased words with an informal tone.

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