
Package Theft Trend in the US: States Most Affected by Porch Pirates

Porch pirates are causing issues in the US, as we surveyed 3,000 Americans to find out which cities and states are hit hardest, what items are often stolen, and what measures can be taken to protect yourself.

May 10, 2024
6 min read


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Package Theft Trend in the US: States Most Affected by Porch Pirates

Treasure chests are no longer hidden under the sea - now they come in cardboard boxes with a smiling face arrow pointing to "Amazon." We're not talking about traditional pirates; we're referring to modern-day intruders known as porch pirates.

It is estimated that nearly $13 billion worth of packages have been stolen in the US. These latest bandits are not limited to specific neighborhoods; they can be found in the suburbs and major cities alike. While some companies compensate for loss, others simply shrug their shoulders. Nevertheless, package theft continues to increase with the advancement in technology such as Ring doorbells and the use of old techniques like barking dogs.

To get a better understanding of this issue, we conducted a survey among 3,000 Americans who have been victims of package theft. We aimed to find out what items are being stolen, how we are preventing it, and whether or not video doorbells actually work.

Key findings:

  • Washington DC is the hardest hit with 80% of residents experiencing porch piracy
  • Philadelphia takes the title as the capital of package theft with 82% regular thefts
  • Nebraska is considered the safest state with the lowest package theft rate
  • 20% of Americans protect their packages by working from home
  • Amazon packages are the most stolen items, followed by food deliveries

US Cities with the Highest Rates of Porch Piracy

It's no surprise that the number one location for porch piracy is the most influential city in the country. Washington DC leads the pack, with over 80% of its residents facing package theft. DC police are trying to combat the issue by setting up sting operations to catch the pirates with fake Amazon boxes and enticing packages.

Oregon is also home to notorious porch pirates. It ranks as second in the country for the most porch piracy. 71% of Oregonians have faced this issue, and 80% of the stolen packages are Amazon deliveries. No matter what delivery service you use, your package is at risk!

In third place, Missouri residents face the package piracy problem with 68% of them being affected by it. 57% of them have a negative opinion about government support on this matter. 40% believe the government is doing nothing to solve the package theft issue. It's only a matter of time before the citizens take matters into their own hands.

The Safest US States to Order Packages

In contrast, some states are experiencing calm seas when it comes to package deliveries. These are the states with minimal porch piracy. According to the FBI, Nebraska has a lower crime rate than the average in the US. As a result, it ranks as the safest state for package theft. Nebraska's residents are the least affected by porch pirates, with less than 25% facing package theft. Of those affected, 84% have not experienced this problem in over six months.

Next on the list of safe states is Maine. Maine ranks as number two for the lowest porch piracy rate in the country. Unlike other states, Maine residents only experience package theft a few times a year.

Louisiana faces lower package theft rates compared to Indiana. Indiana comes in third place for the best state against package theft. Their secret: 41% of residents use some form of security system to protect packages, and 15% send packages to their neighbors instead. What a thoughtful bunch!

Worst Cities for Package Theft

Despite the popularity of cities, they are not necessarily safe from porch pirates. In fact, some statistics show that crime is 75% higher in urban areas compared to rural ones, and package theft is no exception.

Philadelphia has been nicknamed the porch pirate capital of the US. It is home to a whopping 82% of its residents experiencing package theft regularly. As expected, residents have a negative view towards government support on this matter, with a whopping 70% citing they believe the government is doing "nothing" to fight the issue. Perhaps it's never sunny in Philadelphia!

San Francisco, the city known for its open-minded residents, is struggling with package theft. 75% of San Francisco residents encounter package theft. San Francisco residents are slightly more positive about government support than their Philly counterparts, with 62% believing that the government is doing "something."

New York City has a reputation for crime, but when it comes to porch pirates, they're not on top. New Yorkers face a 63% rate of package theft, but they also feel more confident in their government taking action: 42% believe the government is doing "something," while 37% believe they're doing "a lot." Earn their trust, NYC!

Which city is more at risk: rural or urban?

While it seems like cities would be better equipped against package theft due to the presence of doormen and package lockers, this is not the case. In fact, cities are even more vulnerable to package theft, with crime rates being up to 75% higher than in rural areas. And it seems that New Yorkers' faith in their city government is ferocious! 62% say the government is doing "something," while 37% say they're doing "a lot."

Closer to home, New York City ranks second in encountering similar package theft problems. Based on data, 90,000 packages are snatched daily. Since several buildings fail to offer proper security for package pick-up, porch pirates view this situation as a golden opportunity for more thefts with lesser effort. With our data, 81% of individuals in NYC grapple with porch piracy. New York residents have the greatest displeasure with government interference. 83% believe the NYC administration hasn't done anything to deter package theft, and not a single individual had kind remarks about the efforts taken by the government to prevent stolen packages. If you plan to order a parcel in New York and have it sent? Good luck with that.

At #3, New Orleans, also known as the "Big Easy," presents itself as a haven for festivity and fun. However, this carefree lifestyle provides the ideal circumstances for porch piracy. Sixty percent of surveyed individuals stated that they fall prey to package theft. It's no wonder that 60% of residents fear that the situation could worsen in the summertime.

Orlando and Los Angeles occupy the fourth and fifth spots on the package theft list, with 78% and 75% reporting package theft issues, respectively.

Combating package theft: remote work, watchdogs, or even arms?

Once bitten, twice shy. That's exactly what a New Yorker did when they'd had enough of being a constant target for package theft. Just recently, resident Mejia set out decoys containing french fries and dog poop to attract thieves. These criminals encountered Mejia and his baseball bat instead.

As Americans become increasingly frustrated with package theft, some resort to aggressive measures, decoys, and other methods. In addition to security systems, the primary reason respondents cited for working from home was to escape package theft. Individuals unable to work remotely resort to installing package lockers to safeguard their goods. Out of all the responses, 4% are employing a canine companion to "guard dog" their purchases.

The least common approaches involve trusting neighbors (9%) or carrying weapons (4%).

Food deliveries are the most plundered items

There's a disturbingly high chance that your online food order might not make it to your doorstep. With Amazon boasting a near-monopoly in the delivery industry, it's not surprising that they account for the majority (59%) of stolen packages.

However, we've encountered an interesting twist: food deliveries are frequently pilfered by thieves around six times a month for those who regularly indulge in these culinary delights! 22% of our participants reported facing food delivery theft, with perpetrators including companies like Uber Eats, Deliveroo, DoorDash, Hello Fresh, and others.


Yo ho, yo ho, life's a pirate's game, but Americans are fighting back! To thwart these pirates, many are installing Ring doorbells, opting for package lockers, or sending their boxes directly to these secure locations.

More than half (53%) of Americans have experienced package theft at some point in their lives. Meanwhile, more than half of respondents fear that the summer could contribute to an escalation in thefts due to an increased delivery frequency. Protect your house against these marauders before your packages are snatched away!

Research Methodology

In the month of May 2024, we surveyed 3,000 Americans on various issues related to package theft. These respondents were required to be between the ages of 18 and 65 and reside in the United States. Females represented 56% of the sample, while males comprised 42%. One percent of respondents identified as trans or non-binary, and one percent identified as "other."

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