
Older Man (60) Robs Elderly Senior (87) in Apartment

On Monday, May 13th, 2024, around 12:00 pm, an unidentified culprit deceitfully swiped cash from an 87-year-old resident of Werler.

May 15, 2024
1 min read
NewsRegionalCrimeTheftPoliceNorth Rhine-WestphaliaKI-OTS
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City Experiences Devastating Floods - Older Man (60) Robs Elderly Senior (87) in Apartment

An older man was heading to his mailbox along Lindenallee when a guy stopped him to sell clothes and a watch. Though the 87-year-old gentleman turned him down, the suspect wouldn't give up. He followed the victim from Werl all the way to his home and pilfered some money, with a couple hundred digits. Boldly, he left behind the timepiece he'd attempted to offload earlier.

On a Tuesday, the victim made a police report after discussing the incident with his caretaker. The octogenarian citizen described the thief as a man around 60 years old, roughly 185cm tall, resembling a German phenotype, speaking German, with gray hair, wearing a cap, and sporting beige attire.

Law enforcement is currently seeking witnesses who might've spotted anything shady or possess information about the perpetrator. If you have any details, contact the Werl police station on 02922 91000.

This text is adapted from official information provided by the authorities with assistance from AI technology.

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