
Numerous indications yet no incrimination: Where can the former RAF terrorists Garweg and Staub be found?

After the apprehension of former RAF member Daniela Klette, investigators are now seeking her allies Burkhard Garweg and Ernst-Volker Staub. Among the many clues, Garweg's dogs have drawn considerable attention.

May 27, 2024
2 min read
NewsRAFErnst-Volker StaubDaniela BurdockBurkhard Garweg
Friedo de Vries, President of the State Office of Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony, is...
Friedo de Vries, President of the State Office of Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony, is intensively involved in the manhunt for the RAF terrorists


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Intense search for fugitive individual - Numerous indications yet no incrimination: Where can the former RAF terrorists Garweg and Staub be found?

Recently, nearly four months since the arrest of RAF ex-terrorist Daniela Klette, authorities have been swamped with tips related to her girlfriends-at-arms Burkhard Garweg and Ernst-Volker Staub following their release by the press. Forced on the run, Garweg's hideout in Berlin-Friedrichshain was seized by the State Criminal Police Office (LKA) of Lower Saxony, where the 55-year-old had shacked up, leading a new life as 'Martin.'

Through a link with the German Press Agency in Hanover, the LKA released the information that over 430 potential leads were gathered on Garweg and pairing it up with another 327 tips regarding Staub. Klette's nine-month-long Berlin rental, under a shady identity, saw its conclusion with her nabbed on the 26th of February.

Another set of pictures captured on the 2nd of March displayed Garweg with his beloved pups for the public viewing. As per the LKA, no less than 94 leads were reported in light of these mind-pretty pooches. The investigators seized copious amounts of evidence from Klette's abode and the site of Mister 'Martin's' mobile house - the analysis is underway, say the authorities.

No Flaming Hot Lead Yet

The threesome, Klette, Burkhard, and Staub, belong to the infamous third generation of left-wing terrorist group Red Army Faction. In 1998, the group, responsible for 30 gruesome killings, faded into obscurity with a ceasefire announcement. Klette is currently cooling her heels in the women's penitentiary of Vechta, Lower Saxony, as she's suspected to be behind multiple robberies. The Verden public prosecutor's office is probing the 65-year-old, considering whether Klette's rumored usage of firearms qualifies for attempted murder charges.

In an interview with dpa, Friedo de Vries, the LKA president, held firm to their determination: "I remain optimistic about apprehending the runaway rascals Garweg and Staub. Yet, no one should expect a 'hot lead' at this point. Rest assured, we're working round-the-clock on all active leads with enthusiasm and calm, diligently so. What a long and arduous journey this has been."

Digging up Old Dirt

The authority's declarations confirm the Verden district court is the jurisdiction if an indictment comes out against Klette. The prosecutor's office and the regional courts confirmed this in light of dpa's queries. While the investigation against Klette could still be far from over, the prosecutor's office suspects charges will eventually be filed.

The spokesperson from the court answered with equal burden, "Due to the potential likelihood of incurring charges at the Verden Regional Court, the Regional Court is currently analyzing the possible threat scenario. We have no idea where a potential trial might take place. [However], the exact specifics remain undisclosed at this moment" echoes the information provided to dpa.

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