
New Hampshire casino co-owner leaves study committee amid misconduct allegations

State Rep. Laurie Sanborn has resigned from a New Hampshire panel reviewing casino rules. She and her husband are under investigation.

Apr 8, 2024
2 min read
New Hampshire Rep. Laurie Sanborn, pictured above. She resigned from the state board
New Hampshire Rep. Laurie Sanborn, pictured above. She resigned from the state board after allegations of misconduct


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New Hampshire casino co-owner leaves study committee amid misconduct allegations

State Representative Laurie Sanborn resigned Friday as chair of a New Hampshire panel tasked with reviewing regulations for nonprofit casinos.

Sanborn, a Bedford Republican, decided to resign after state and federal officials announced they had launched an investigation into how her husband allegedly used $844,000 in federal coronavirus relief funds to buy three sports cars and other personal expenses.

Officials said her husband, Andy Sanborn, a former state senator, used about $80,000 of the money to buy Laurie a Ferrari.

Attorney General John M. Formella said state and federal investigations could lead to indictments, administrative proceedings and the revocation of the Sanborn family's casino license.

The allegations are being investigated by Formella's office, the New Hampshire Lottery Commission and New Hampshire U.S. Attorney Jane Young.

Formella announced Thursday that Sanborn received an $844,000 federal coronavirus relief loan because he made false statements on his application and omitted a reference to the casino in the document. Casinos are not eligible for these loans, the Concord Monitor reported.

The Sanborn family is the co-owner of the Concord Casino in Concord, New Hampshire. They are trying to open a second casino in the same town, which has been approved by the local planning board but is now the subject of lawsuits.

Statement on the Dispute

Late last week, New Hampshire House Speaker Sherman Packard, R-Londonderry, said: “Given the importance, I believe it is appropriate for Rep. Sanborn to resign as chair of the Committee to Study the Impact of Recent Changes in Charitable Gambling Laws "At this time, so that it doesn't interfere with the good work they want to do."

But on Friday, House Minority Leader Matt Wilhelm, a Manchester Democrat, said Packard should also replace Laurie Sanborn as chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, the New Hampshire Gazette reported.

Representative Laurie Sanborn's decision to resign from her direct involvement with the Nonprofit Gaming Oversight Committee is appropriate," William said Friday. "However, she remains chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, whose members will be Work on the withholding bill for non-profit gaming resumes in March. "

Should she leave the Legislature?

Additionally, Bedford City Council member Michael Strand, a former Democratic city leader in Peterborough, suggested Laurie Sanborn may have to resign as representative.

I believe in due process and that the Sanborn family is innocent until proven otherwise,"he told Patch."However, if these allegations are true, Rep. Sanborn must resign immediately elected office, and retire from any active career in public service. "

He also wants the Sanborns' voting records during their term to be reviewed to ensure there are no "conflicts of interest."

But Andy Sanborn sought to dispel any doubts.

“Like many businesses and organizations, we have applied for government relief to help address the operational challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Andy Sanborn said in a recent statement.

"Throughout the process we have carried out due diligence to ensure compliance with all application requirements and standards. Although I strongly disagree with the (Lottery) Commission's assertions, I welcome the forthcoming review as I have every confidence that we have acted with transparency and fully complies with the law.”

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