
Man aged 23 apprehended for driving with a blood alcohol content of 1.5.

A 23-year-old driver got an expensive lesson as he encountered a police patrol from Old Town on the B37 in the early hours of Friday.

May 24, 2024
1 min read
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Hochspeyer's B37 Route - Man aged 23 apprehended for driving with a blood alcohol content of 1.5.

Around 5 a.m., a Renault car with French license plates was pulled over, and the officers quickly realized the driver was intoxicated. A breathalyzer test revealed a concentration of 1.5 per mille, which confirmed the officers' suspicions. The driver, a 23-year-old man, was then accompanied by the patrol officers to the police station. Here, a blood sample was taken from him, and his driver's license was confiscated. Currently, the young man is facing charges for suspected drunk driving.

This text draws from official sources provided by authorities and was helped by KI.

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