
Man (36) steals items from store, hurting worker in the process and then escapes.

In the city center of Augsburg on Saturday (18.05.2024), a shoplifter assaulted two employees at a department store before making an escape.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
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Augsburg experiences news. - Man (36) steals items from store, hurting worker in the process and then escapes.

At 3:20 pm, employees at the department store on Bürgermeister-Fischer-Straße spotted a man nabbing some perfume from the pharmacy section. When they tried to stop him, the thief retaliated with violence and slipped away. One worker sustained minor injuries.

During his getaway, the culprit let go of his phone. Authorities swiftly traced the phone's owner and met up with him not long after the heist at a friend's house. The suspect in question is a 36-year-old guy. He's currently being probed for robbery and assault.

(This text is derived from official data provided by the authorities and crafted with AI assistance.)

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