
Lottery manager Seib declines to provide testimony.

Maren Sieb, a lottery boss, and Ralf von Einem from Saxony-Anhalt were questioned but the results were not definitive. The U-Committee is running out of time, as detailed below.

May 21, 2024
3 min read
The potential scandal surrounding Lotto Saxony-Anhalt came to a head in 2020.
The potential scandal surrounding Lotto Saxony-Anhalt came to a head in 2020.


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Lottery manager Seib declines to provide testimony.

In 2020, Lotto Sachsen-Anhalt's questionable business practices were frequently in the news, particularly surrounding the high stakes and outrageous payouts at the Zerbst Lotto location. The investigative committee, after numerous postponements due to the pandemic, recently began hearing from witnesses. Among those questioned were Maren Sieb and Ralf von Einem, who lost their positions due to doubtful business dealings.

How Did Maren Sieb Become Lottery Director?

Sieb was fired from her position without notice in December. When probed about how she attained her position, she claimed that she was approached by Ulf Gundlach, who was Secretary of State for the Interior at the time. Gundlach, also a witness and the former aide of former Minister of the Interior Holger Stahlknecht, stated that he briefly spoke with Sieb in 2012 before she applied for the role and went through the necessary steps. Although it was a high-level position, Sieb hadn't been given a detailed job description.

While testifying, Sieb didn't elaborate on her management decisions and declined to give her opinion on the situation. Von Einem, the other fired lottery manager, also had to answer questions. Despite this, the members of the committee were still left with queries regarding Zerbst's suspicious players and Stahlknecht. The latter, a CDU party member, recalled learning about the incidents only after receiving information from the investigation.

Stahlknecht couldn't recall exactly when he became aware of Sieb's appointment as lottery director. He simply couldn't recall the exact date.

No University Degree, But A Lottery Boss!

Explaining how Maren Sieb managed to become a lottery director without a university degree was Tiemo Kracht's responsibility. Kracht, who has screened candidates for top positions at Lotto on several occasions, argued that it wasn't necessarily a prerequisite. Furthermore, candidates rarely meet all the criteria. However, Sieb and von Einem's sudden appointment as a management duo was unexpected for him. Other applicants from West-Lotto were also rejected because they preferred to stay in their home country.

Repeatedly Unsatisfactory Results

The questioning of witnesses didn't yield favorable results. The clock is ticking, as the investigative committee is scheduled to be disbanded after the state elections in June. The next meeting is scheduled for this week. This week's attendants have not yet been revealed.

Fraud and The Zerbst Lotto Branch

The main reason for the investigation is the unusual high stakes and prize payouts in the Zerbst Lotto branch. The management hadn't made the processes transparent enough. In a six-month window, nine players gambled over €100,000 on Oddset. The jackpot winnings were particularly high, and suspicions of money laundering immediately arose.

The origin of the money still remains unclear. What's more important is that Sieb's husband had co-developed a new type of willingly-considered lottery software, which further complicates the case. The branch is now closed, and Finance Minister Michael Richter has terminated their operations. Paranoia regarding their actions damaged the business, Richter stated, and there was a broken relationship of trust due to Lotto Sachsen-Anhalt's poor communication.

Despite Richter's statement that they had reported the incidents as required by law, it hasn't been verified. Other lottery companies got involved, including Lotto Bayern and Lotto Niedersachsen. They warned Lotto Sachsen-Anhalt in 2018 about shady dealings and produced a stake spending limit; however, no response was received from Saxony-Anhalt.

More Clarity Demanded

The Lotto Sachsen-Anhalt scandal has incited calls for more transparency within Lotto. The lack of transparency in subsidy distribution was the focus of a Thuringian Court of Auditors' criticism in August. They questioned what the funding was used for, but couldn't find a clear answer. It is known that funds can only go to cultural, social, environmental, or sports groups. Yet, the actual use of the funds is often shrouded in secrecy. Legal modifications are being discussed in response to this issue, along with updating the verification criteria.

Supplemental Information

The funding's distribution conditions are legally dictated and need to be strictly adhered to. It should be noted that the details on how this funding is used are generally not known, casting doubt on the system. A clearer, more open approach to funding distribution is promised.

In conclusion, Maren Sieb wasn't hired as lottery boss due to questionable procedures, and her high-ranking position didn't guarantee transparency. The investigative process has been rocky, with many questions left unanswered. The experts and politicians have called for more clarity, as the current practices are opaque and have potentially led to problematic situations. The issue will continue to be under scrutiny for the time being.

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