
Life is worth enjoying!

Christoph Daum (70) shares his experiences about living with lung cancer in a candid interview on "BILD SPORT" on WELT TV.

May 12, 2024
1 min read
Newsfirst BundesligaSoccerBundesliga at BILD


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Captivating TV presence from Daum amidst cancer battle - Life is worth enjoying!

Former soccer coach wins hearts with inspiring words about cancer

In late October 2022, a once-popular soccer coach revealed that he was battling cancer. The diagnosis came during a regular checkup. Since then, he's been receiving chemotherapy treatments.

Despite his difficult situation, the coach appears upbeat. In an interview, he shared: "Considering the circumstances, I'm doing okay. It's like driving with your eyes open. The cancer diagnosis is no longer as scary as it once was. We have some amazing treatments out there."

He further explained: "I believe we can change an acute condition into a chronic one with these drugs. If medicine keeps improving, who knows, we might even find a cure for cancer."

Towards the end, the coach became sentimental: "I encourage all those who are struggling - hold on! Fight! Take on this challenge! Life is worth living!"

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