The final of the Champions League competition. - Leipzig operates as a secret asset for Real Madrid's future plans.
In the city of Leipzig, some hopeful fingers are crossed for Real!
The reason being, Leipzig and Dortmund have been battling it out in the UEFA rankings for years, vying for significant points and positions. Rather interestingly, before the big showdown, both clubs currently hold the eighth and ninth places in the five-year ranking. This means, if Borussia Dortmund loses, nothing changes. However, if Dortmund wins, they'll move a tad away from Leipzig. And, Real is simply untouchable in the third place for both clubs.
But what's the big deal with the ranking order? It's all about the cash! TV and advertisement money are also doled out based on the coefficients of the ranking. With the reshuffling of the Champions League for the upcoming season, an extra million euros is at stake for each better placement.
But, there's a silver lining in the clouds for RB and all other German clubs. With the revamping of the King's Class, clubs from a country will no longer have to share the money they've earned within their own borders. From now on, it will solely hinge on the performance of the clubs.
Previously, there was something called the market pool, wherein the TV and marketing money from the German market was only allocated to the German participants. The rule was: The more clubs from a country were in the Champions League, the less each individual club received. For example, if Dortmund wins against Real, Frankfurt would also make it to the King's Class, making it six teams from the Bundesliga.
The shift works in favor of RB, but a Real win would be financially and tactically a little more advantageous for the Leipzigers...