
Las Vegas teen arrested on terrorism charges over online threats

A teen has been arrested after allegedly threatening to attack Las Vegas in a social media post. He also has the components to make a bomb.

Apr 8, 2024
2 min read
Pictured above is the Southern Nevada Counterterrorism Center logo. Center officials arrested
Pictured above is the Southern Nevada Counterterrorism Center logo. Center officials arrested a teenager in Las Vegas on terrorism


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Las Vegas teen arrested on terrorism charges over online threats

A teenage terrorist suspect was arrested Friday after allegedly posting threats on social media to attack Las Vegas. Authorities said he also had bomb-making components.

The 16-year-old Las Vegas boy has been described as an ISIS supporter who recently converted to Islam. His threats appeared to be directed at local Israeli supporters. His disturbing social media post on November 28 was partly written in Arabic and included the ISIS flag.

"I am here to announce that I will be launching a lone wolf operation against the enemies of Allah in Las Vegas," the suspect wrote. "I am a supporter of ISIS and I will make sure the Zionists in this city know that."

The teen's name has not been released, but officials said law enforcement quickly discovered his identity and whereabouts.

The teenager was charged with making a terrorist threat, attempting to further commit an act of terrorism, providing material support to a terrorist organization and five counts of possession of explosives.

Multiple SWAT teams arrested the teen during a court-ordered search of the apartment where he lived with relatives.

Explosive ingredients, instructions

When police and agents arrested him at his home, they found components used to make explosive devices on him, Fox News reported. Additionally, there were instructions on how to make bombs and carry out terrorist attacks, Fox News reported.

Officers and agents also seized a handmade ISIS flag, headbands and badges. There were also propaganda and anti-Semitic threats from the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, Las Vegas TV station KLAS reported.

Dori Koren, assistant chief of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's (LVMPD) Homeland Security and Special Operations Division, added that items of possible terrorist propaganda were also found.

"We believe this is an isolated threat that we can contain quickly," Coren told reporters.“There is currently no indication of any additional threats to our community.”

U.S. law enforcement has been on high alert for terrorist attacks since the war between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas broke out in October. The Islamic State and Al Qaeda are listed as terrorist organizations by the U.S. government.

The Las Vegas incident was investigated by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Southern Nevada Counterterrorism Center and the Las Vegas Police Department. The case is being prosecuted by the Clark County District Attorney's Office.

It was unclear whether the boy had been released.

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