
Las Vegas police 'forced woman to have sex' in Santa Fe train station garage

Former Clark County Parks Police Officer Wendell Phillips allegedly told a woman she would go to jail if she didn't have sex with him.

Apr 8, 2024
2 min read
Former Clark County Parks Officer Wendell Phillips allegedly told the victim she could face
Former Clark County Parks Officer Wendell Phillips allegedly told the victim she could face three years in prison if she did not comply with his sexual


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Las Vegas police 'forced woman to have sex' in Santa Fe train station garage

A now-fired Las Vegas police officer is facing serious charges after he allegedly threatened a woman with jail time if she didn't have sex with him. According to 8 News Now, the incident occurred in the Santa Fe Station parking lot.

Wendell Phillips, 38, was an officer with the Clark County Park Police Department until his arrest in mid-November. In connection with the incident, he was charged with disguised oppression, misconduct in public office, and coercion or threat of violence.

The alleged victim told police she first met Phillips in Sunset Park in early October when she reported the shooting and domestic violence incident to him.

According to a police report obtained by 8 News Now, the officer took the woman to a secluded "sand dune" area of ​​the park and began unzipping his pants. But he stopped to talk to a detective on the radio. He then ordered the woman out of the vehicle and told her to wait for him in another area of ​​the park.

'you belong to Me'

When he returned, Phillips was driving his personal car and wearing casual clothes. He then drove the woman to the Santa Fe train station, police said.

At that time, he told her, "You're mine now, you're not a pimp anymore, you're not [scolding] anybody, you're not leeching anybody off unless I say so," the report states.

Phillips reportedly told the woman she could be sentenced to three years in prison for prostitution and theft. But if she obeyed him, he would provide her with food and shelter.

"The officer knew that she had been arrested for theft, so he told her that based on the information he had, she could go to prison for three years," police said. "The officer told her that it was necessary to save her life," the document states. The only way to do that was to shut up and use [expletive]." "She stated she was giving up sex in the backseat of his vehicle," the document adds.

Phillips arrested

The two then went to a thrift store near the intersection of Cheyenne and Rancho avenues. There, an argument broke out between the two and the victim allegedly managed to escape and flag down a passing Metro police officer.

Police recognized Phillips from surveillance footage at the store and interviewed him at his home on Oct. 7. He claimed he was just giving the woman a ride but later admitted to having sex with her, documents show. He was arrested on November 16.

Phillips, who had joined the Clark County Park Police just a few months earlier, was "fired" the same day he was arrested.

He was released on Nov. 20 on $50,000 bail and wearing an ankle monitoring bracelet. His next court appearance is Dec. 27.

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