
Large fight breaks out at a hair salon in Essen.

In a hair salon, disagreements led to a physical fight between two sets of individuals. It escalated to the point where one German (aged 22) brandished a knife, inflicting a head wound on a German-Iraqi (aged 18).

May 30, 2024
1 min read
NewsRuhr area regional newsRegionalKnifeAttackNews domesticBerlinPoliceFood
The brawl took place in this hairdressing salon
The brawl took place in this hairdressing salon


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Individual assaulted using a blade - Large fight breaks out at a hair salon in Essen.

With the chaos intensifying, the police requested more officers and even deployed a helicopter to the scene. The violent clash had shifted from the hair salon to the street and the sidewalk, where it appeared to have escalated.

Prior to the police arrival, the primary suspect, a German individual, took off with four others in a vehicle. Despite this, all five individuals, comprising two Germans and three Syrians (ages 18-21), were taken into custody by the police.

Charged with investigating the incident is a murder task force overseen by the Essen Public Prosecutor's Office. There is no link to organized crime:

"This incident was sparked by a private dispute. The alleged murder object is a large kitchen knife."

Meanwhile, the principal suspect and the knife victim were both hospitalized with injuries and were later discharged following treatment.

The knife victim's blood is splattered all the way to the door of the store

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