
Justice takes action: Smuggler receives a 4-year prison sentence

Germany's strictened laws have stepped up penalties for illegal entries, leading to a potential rise in harsh prison terms for smugglers. The trend began in spring with boosted numbers seeking to enter the country.

May 26, 2024
2 min read
NewsNews domesticRegionalDresdenRefugeePoliceDresden regional newsFederal Policeillegal migration
Schleuser Jaswinder S. (29) bei seiner Festnahme nach der Flucht vor der Polizei
Schleuser Jaswinder S. (29) bei seiner Festnahme nach der Flucht vor der Polizei


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Stricter regulations are credited with leading to an improvement in the situation. - Justice takes action: Smuggler receives a 4-year prison sentence

In April, after 7079 illegal border crossings in March, the number went up to 7531. Federal Police reports indicate that the numbers are still increasing. There's a possibility that there'll be more unauthorized entries in May compared to the previous year, which had 8532 cases.

In Saxony, the surge in illegal entries is astounding! LKA spokesperson Kay Anders said, "The numbers of foreign law violations skyrocketed from 11,168 to 22,087 cases. Primarily, it involved illegal entries and smuggling of foreigners as per the Residence Act." More cases are expected for 2024.

Previously, smugglers were typically given probation after a few months. Courts often considered the drivers' poor economic situation and their minor role in the organized smuggling crime.

Tougher punishments for smugglers

The legal system is responding, though. In February, the penalties under Section 97 of the Residence Act were made stricter: For commercial and organized smuggling of foreigners under life-threatening or inhumane conditions, the minimum sentence is now three years (previously one year). Probation is no longer an option.

The case of Jaswinder S. (29)

The Indian citizen, Jaswinder S. (29), was sentenced to four years and two months in prison by the Dresden Regional Court. He was caught on September 12, 2023 with 25 migrants on a vehicle designed for nine passengers. When S. tried to evade control on the A17 in Saxony, he was pursued and apprehended by the police.

Jaswinder S. was also found guilty of being involved in four other smuggling operations that transported 49 people. He claimed financial difficulties in court, with his family in India depending on agriculture and having to take out high loans due to poor harvests.

Chairman of the Court Herbert Prols stated, "The defendant risked the lives of a large number of people when he fled from the police. It was a desperate bid for freedom. Fortunately, no one was injured."

25 Menschen pferchte Jaswinder S. in seinen Transporter, riskierte ihr Leben auf der Flucht vor der Polizei

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