
Joschka Fischer claims Israel has suffered defeat in the court of public opinion.

Former Green Party Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer views the pro-Palestinian demonstrations at colleges as significant political signals. According to Fischer, Israel has lost the opinion war regarding the state's legitimacy and the right to defend itself, as reported by "Tagesspiegel" on...

May 27, 2024
1 min read
NewsdemonstrationsJoschka FischerIsraelGermanyPalestinian territoriesWarBerlin
Joschka Fischer (Alliance 90/The Greens), former Federal Foreign Minister, sits on the stage in the...
Joschka Fischer (Alliance 90/The Greens), former Federal Foreign Minister, sits on the stage in the Funkhaus as part of the Lit.Cologne literature festival, where he talks to political scientist Münkler.


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Protests occur. - Joschka Fischer claims Israel has suffered defeat in the court of public opinion.

It's understandable to question the actions of the Israeli government. However, Fischer argued that a state's right to defend itself after the barbaric murder of 1,200 citizens of all ages and the abduction of another 200 citizens is a given for him.

He empathizes with the humanitarian concerns behind the pro-Palestinian demonstrations at universities against the war in Gaza. "But this can't result in people turning off their critical thinking. And then suddenly aligning with Hamas," he said. "Despite all the justified protests against this war, we shouldn't forget what triggered it, which was October 7. Anyone who overlooks that is heading down a dangerous path."

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