German Federal States

Inexperienced driver loses license due to drunk driving incident

In Oldenburg, a new driver aged 26 has had his license revoked after driving under the influence on the A33 during Whit Monday.

May 22, 2024
1 min read
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A33: Osnabrück - Inexperienced driver loses license due to drunk driving incident

A vigilant bystander, who was a cop heading out for his morning shift, observed the erratic steering of the Ford driver and notified a traffic patrol from the Central Traffic Service. Upon inspection at the Dissen Süd intersection, the cops found the driver's alcohol consumption was over the legal limit of 1.1 per mille.

The young man claimed he'd slept for four hours after attending a party before hitting the road to Paderborn from Oldenburg. He was certain this was enough time to be in the clear to drive again. He didn't want to relinquish his newly acquired driver's license, resulting in a judge ordering it taken away.

Once the police told him he was no longer authorized to operate any licensed vehicles, he was flabbergasted and insisted he'd only been asleep and should be good to go. After a blood sample was collected, the young man was set free. The officers proceeded with criminal charges for driving under the influence.

This text is derived from official information provided by the authorities and created using AI assistance.

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