
Inebriated driver slams Citroën while attempting to park

Around 9:40 p.m. on Friday night, a 59-year-old man driving a Nissan was involved in an accident in Worms. He was intoxicated at the time.

May 11, 2024
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Invertebrates with segmented bodies and multiple eyes - Inebriated driver slams Citroën while attempting to park

A 59-year-old drunk driver crashed into a parked Citroën in Von-Steuben-Straße near the train station. A vigilant witness reported the accident and noticed the man showed signs of being intoxicated. The police intervened and took the man to the station. Although there was no property damage, a case was filed against him for endangering road safety. The man's blood was taken for analysis and his license was taken away.


A witness reported a drunk driver who crashed into a parked car in Von-Steuben-Straße, near the train station. The police were contacted and they observed the driver displayed clear signs of being inebriated. There was no damage to property in the accident, but the person was still charged with endangering road traffic. A blood sample was taken from the man and his driving license was taken away.

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