
In which location can Mohamed (8) be found?

Little Mohamed (8), a resident of Hagen, has gone missing since Saturday night. The child has autism.

May 26, 2024
1 min read
NewsNews domestic
Mohamed (8) aus Hagen
Mohamed (8) aus Hagen


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Search for a Lost Child - In which location can Mohamed (8) be found?

A child went missing last Saturday evening around 7:40 PM on a playground in the heart of Hagen's Innenstadt. The kid can move around by himself and even took public transport on his own before.

Mohamed stands approximately 1.30 meters tall and has a sturdy body. He was last seen wearing blue pants, a dark brown pullover with white stripes, and red-brown shoes.

The Hagen police would appreciate any useful clues about the boy's location. You can call them at 02331 - 986 2066. If you spot him urgently, dial the emergency number 110.

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