
"In the event of my demise, make sure to look after our parents."

Young Israeli women are shown in a video, restricted and drenched in blood, facing Hamas terrorists after the murder of several of their girlfriends. The footage, released by family members last week, depicts the capture of the female hostages on October 7, 2023.

May 28, 2024
2 min read
NewsDesk DeltaIsraelHostage-takingCriminal casesGazaViolenceHamasSoldierTerrorKidnappingWarGirlsKalashnikov
Ein Bild, das für ihre Familie kaum zu ertragen sein muss: Karina Ariev (19) in...
Ein Bild, das für ihre Familie kaum zu ertragen sein muss: Karina Ariev (19) in Hamas-Gefangenschaft, schwer gezeichnet von ihren Verletzungen


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Final messages of a Hamas captive to her sibling - "In the event of my demise, make sure to look after our parents."

The sister of a kidnapped British hostage, Sasha Ariev (24), discusses her abducted sibling Karina (19) who's been held captive by Hamas for more than 230 days. Sasha describes her sister's traumatic abduction, saying, "They took her violently, in her Snoopy pajamas, with Kalashnikovs surrounding her - it's like a movie scene. However, I know it's not a movie."

"Never give up hope!"

Entführt und mit anderen Israelinnen in Hamas-Gefangenschaft: Karina Ariev (19, rechts) noch in ihrem Snoopy-Schlafanzug

Sasha is one of the family members eagerly awaiting her sister's return. Alongside her parents and grandparents, she continually thinks about Karina's safe return. "We mentally play the video of her being taken captive," she confesses.

Karina Ariev (19) vor ihrer Entführung

According to Sasha, her sister Karina wrote her one last message before being abducted, warning her, "If I don't make it, take care of our parents. Be strong, don't lose hope, live on!" Sasha explains that her sibling didn't just ask her to care for their parents but to keep their family robust. "That's how we are," she adds. Since Karina's abduction, she has seldom cried. Sasha has invested all her energy in freeing her sister.

Sasha (24) hat ihr Leben dem Kampf um die Rückkehr ihrer Schwester gewidmet

"She's the one who fights," Sasha told "Daily Mail." "I don't have the right to say it's tough for me. I allow my parents to be emotional, but I tell myself repeatedly that I'm strong." Tears will only stream after Karina is safely back home, Sasha reveals, "but they'll be tears of happiness."

Sasha (links) und ihre Schwester Karina (rechts) umrahmen ihre Eltern. Die Familie hält fest zusammen

Interestingly, a pivotal reaction to the sister's brutal abduction has led to a new chapter in her life: "I'm choosing to live strong, ignoring any pain and replacing it with hope. I know she's alive, and she's fighting, so I must keep going."

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