German Federal States

Having tattoos can hike cancer risk by 20%.

Germans favor various tattoo designs like anchors, tribals, and roses, as well as names of loved ones and custom-made motifs. A recent report revealed that 17% of the population possess one or more tattoos, with the popularity showing an upward trajectory. However, a new investigation exposes...

May 27, 2024
2 min read
NewsTattooTattoo artistLifestyleLymph gland cancerLymph nodesTramp stamp
Tattoos sind Geschmackssache – und ein Gesundheitsrisiko
Tattoos sind Geschmackssache – und ein Gesundheitsrisiko


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Concerning research findings. - Having tattoos can hike cancer risk by 20%.

Scientists from Lund University in Sweden have been looking into the potential association between the boom in popularity of tattoos worldwide and a mysterious rise in cases of malignant lymphomas, a type of cancer affecting the lymphatic system.

🤣 Before you freak out, this is the surprising result: Obtaining a tattoo ups the chances of acquiring lymphoma by 21%.

👹 Out of a group of 11,905 individuals—with 2,938 of them aged 20 to 60 and diagnosed with lymphoma—researchers requested information via a questionnaire to establish if they had any ink under their skin.

🤣 Prof. Christel Nielsen of Lund University, an epidemiologist who led the study, said, "Taking other relevant factors like smoking and age into account, we detected a 21% higher risk of developing lymphoma in individuals with tattoos. However, we require more research to validate these findings."

Don't Worry About Big Tats

Interestingly, the size of the tattoo doesn't seem to be a determining factor in getting lymphoma. "While we haven't pinpointed the precise reason yet, one potential explanation is that the body interprets a tattoo as a foreign object and activates the immune system," adds Nielsen. "A significant portion of the ink Canadians find in the skin travels to the lymph nodes."

🧐 Earlier studies have suggested that particles from the tattoo ink as well as metal nanoparticles from the needle could make their way to the lymph nodes.

🤔 On why a large tattoo doesn't guarantee a higher risk of lymphoma, Nielsen shared, "It's a more complex picture than we first anticipated. The key takeaway is that a tattoo, irrespective of its size, can facilitate a low-level inflammation in the body that could ultimately lead to cancer."

Safety Prioritized, Not Banning

The scientists are now focused on unraveling if tattoos relate to other cancers and inflammatory illnesses. They aim to raise awareness about the potential side effects of tattoos but don't want to discourage people from getting inked.

So, their suggestion: If you start experiencing symptoms connected to your tattoo, don't hesitate to visit your doc.

The research has been published in the medical journal eClinical Medicine.

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