
Gunfire erupted from a vehicle targeting a BVG bus.

A car fired two shots toward a BVG bus on the N22 line as it traveled along Waidmannsluster Damm, heading towards Hermsdorfer Damm, during the night on Sunday.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
NewsCrimeKI-OTSPoliceAccidentsBerlinBerlin regional newsViolence
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Berlin's Waidmannslust: A Place to Savor - Gunfire erupted from a vehicle targeting a BVG bus.

At the "Freie Scholle" bus stop, a person in a passing car reportedly waved a gun through the passenger window and fired two shots at the level of the driver's window in the bus. The vehicle then sped away from the scene. The bus driver initially carried on with his journey but experienced shock and blast injury due to the sudden gunfire.

After receiving initial medical attention, the 39-year-old bus driver was taken to a hospital where he was later discharged after undergoing outpatient treatment. The bus itself remained unharmed in this incident. Ongoing inquiries are being handled by a specialized department within Police Directorate 1 (North).

This narrative utilizes data provided by authorities and was generated using a KI tool. [Credit: This text was created through the use of artificial intelligence assisted writing tools. No part of this text comes from the author's personal experiences or opinions.]

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