
Google Maps redirects cars from Las Vegas to Desert Trap

Earlier this month, Shelby Easler and her family were driving from the F1 Grand Prix in Las Vegas to Los Angeles when they saw an unusual Google Maps notification. it

Apr 8, 2024
2 min read
This is the route Google Maps suggests users take from Vegas to Los Angeles. Shelby
This is the route Google Maps suggests users take from Vegas to Los Angeles. Shelby Easler captioned the harrowing experience in her TikTok


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Google Maps redirects cars from Las Vegas to Desert Trap

Earlier this month, Shelby Easler and her family were driving from the F1 Grand Prix in Las Vegas to Los Angeles when they saw an unusual Google Maps notification. The alert told them a dust storm was about to hit the southwest along Interstate 15, which is the most direct route.

The app then recommended an alternative route, a desert highway from Nevada to Southern California, to avoid the dust storm and save the family 50 minutes.

Isler's brother was driving his Toyota SUV and followed directions, which led to a single-lane off-road trail followed by a long line of cars following the same directions.

Since our navigation said we would drive three miles and then turn left, we assumed we would eventually come across a road, and since all other cars were going straight, we assumed it led somewhere, but that was not the case. ” Isler, 22, said in a TikTok video recorded about her experience that has received 134,000 likes.

Since a car had been blocked at the front of the long caravan, people behind it had no way to move forward. To make matters worse, the road is too narrow for anyone to turn back.

And more and more vehicles are arriving.

Police offered no help

Isler said calling 911 doesn't help because the California Highway Patrol "has to deal with highway closures and accidents, so they can't reach us."

After being trapped for several hours, the drivers realized they had to turn around one by one, making their way through thick bark scrub, over rocks and cacti. The move resulted in dozens of tires being damaged and most of them lost.

Isler described her SUV as a "doneso" and said her family had to take an Uber back to Vegas and fly home while towing it back to Las Vegas for the miracle.

A Google spokesperson told The Washington Post, which also reported the story: "We apologize for what happened and can confirm we will no longer provide drivers traveling between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. These narrow back roads will lead to Interstate 15 near California." - Nevada border. "

When sharing Easler's video

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