German Federal States

Germany lacks defense.

May 23, 2024
3 min read
The Chairman of the Junge Union: Johannes Winkel
The Chairman of the Junge Union: Johannes Winkel


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A young union leader voices concerns over Markus Lanz. - Germany lacks defense.

In a frantic warning, the head of the Young Union, Johannes Winkel (32, CDU), alerted television host Markus Lanz (55) about potential dangers for Germany.

Winkel expressed his worries, stating, "Experts unanimously agree that Germany is a nation that can't defend itself in times of crisis. I consider this an unacceptable situation!"

Compulsory Military Service: A Must

Winkel's concern continues, "We are constantly discussing ways to safeguard our democracy. However, in actual emergencies, such as the resurrection of mandatory military service a decade ago, we seem to assume that others will help us. This is irresponsible!"

He raises the issue of failed volunteer models, claiming, "We can't avoid compulsory military service if we aim to answer the question: How shall we defend ourselves as a democracy?"

The Kremlin's War-mongering

Franziska Brandmann (30, FDP), Chairwoman of the Young Liberals, underlines Putin's persistent wish to invade NATO countries, and suggests, "To prevent this from happening, we need to support Ukraine further. Including the Taurus!"

Winkel strengthens Brandmann's standpoint, "Putin continually declares his desire to attack NATO countries. Unfortunately, we're not heeding his threats."

Political Manipulation

Winkel lashes out at the SPD, saying, "The SPD shows no interest in the Taurus. It's not about technical specifics like its range or if it can reach Russia or not. It's merely a political ploy to portray the SPD as a pacifist party in elections."

He also accuses them of, "Using the fear of war for their political gain. And this smacks of perverse tactics!"

Taurus: A Taboo Subject!

JuLi chairwoman Franziska Brandmann (l.), Juso chairman Philipp Türmer (r.)

Juso leader Philipp Türmer (28, SPD) wanted to employ this issue for a different purpose. He stated, "The debt brake hinders further aid to Ukraine. I want to suspend it."

Türmer championed the case of the Taurus cruise missile, "Information about this missile shouldn't be up for discussion in public. There are strategic issues at play that aren't meant for debate on talk shows!"

A Display of Arrogance

Türmer mocks the idea of compulsory military service. "We should equip the Bundeswehr with professionals who are well-trained and skilled. Rather than 18- or 19-year-olds who can only wield an assault rifle."

Brandmann quickly replied, "To make the Bundeswehr an enticing employer, we should allow them to go into schools and advertise. And we must highlight the importance of reservists!"

Wielding the Moral Stick

The Green Youth leader, Svenja Appuhn, takes center stage with her moral argument, "I don't want people to perceive it as normal that they're trained to kill for their country and potentially die." Probably intending: Let the Ukrainians fight Russia.

Lanz, contemplating the possibility of an attack on Germany, retorted, "What if someone says, 'Now we're leading an assault on your nation?'"

A Reimagined Concept of Security

Appuhn presented a broader perspective on global security, "Is securing nations just about armament and defense? I believe we need to adopt a more comprehensive perspective while analyzing how Russia wages its war today!"

The Green participant added, "Through disinformation campaigns and backing right-wing extremists." While this is true, weapons of democracy can be used to control conservatives, yet Russia's tanks can't.

Green Youth leader Svenja Appuhn

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