
Gambling companies contribute funds to help those affected by the floods.

Catastrophe from flooding in RLP: Online gaming companies donate to those affected. Aid is delivered swiftly. Click for more details.

May 17, 2024
2 min read
The floods in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia cost many people their belongings.
The floods in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia cost many people their belongings.


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Gambling companies contribute funds to help those affected by the floods.

In the past few weeks, the devastation in Germany has been dominating the headlines. A massive flood disaster left countless people without their belongings. This tragedy, however, wasn't only destructive to properties and infrastructures; it also claimed human lives. Therefore, any type of support can make a difference for the affected regions.

Nationwide Support from Germany

The shocking visuals that have spread throughout Germany in the past few weeks show the massive extent of the natural disaster. Those who offered their help on-site were welcomed enthusiastically, and unfortunately, some realized that comparing it to a war isn't far-fetched.

Local citizens are dependent on assistance and donations. Hundreds of people responded by wearing rubber boots and carrying shovels, and they made their way to the disaster-stricken areas. Funding was also sent from across Germany to the victims and aid organizations, ensuring they wouldn't be lacking any necessities.

Generous 1.2 Million Euro Donation from "Deutsche Post-Code Lottery" Social Lottery

The floods hit Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia particularly hard. The lack of electricity, contamination-caused infections, and the deceased and missing are just a few of the challenges residents are facing right now. The aftermath's destruction is still being assessed, as cleaning efforts are ongoing, and several areas remain inaccessible.

The "Deutsche Post-Code Lotterie" social lottery initiated a remarkable campaign. The company announced that they donated 1.2 million euros directly to "Aktion Deutschland hilft"—an organization responsible for aiding those affected. Singer Peter Maffay presided over the presentation at the ARD Charity Gala.

Assistance from the NRW Vending Machine Association

Other companies have been actively participating in the recovery efforts as well. The Vending Machine Operators Association from NRW has also offered immediate, uncomplicated aid. The DAV's goal is to alleviate the greatest need of those affected by the floods.

"Uncomplicated" means the aid reaches the crisis areas as rapidly as possible, and local NRW politicians will ensure this happens. They'll coordinate the aid distribution on-site.

The association now reports that over 25,000 euros have been collected by board members. They've also launched an appeal for additional donations.

Ground Support is Crucial

The extent of the damage is hard to fathom unless you're there. The term "crisis area" accurately describes the situation. Local residents are reliant on physical assistance. Citizens from all over Germany arrived in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia to repair and restore damaged areas.

Even weeks after the storm and subsequent flooding, chaos still exists in the affected regions. Public transportation is being organized for residents to travel to the crisis areas without disrupting the aid workers.

A Surge of Help Displaying Solidarity

Typically cut-off areas are now regaining access to nearby communities. The power is returning, and smiles are blooming in response to the outpouring of aid.

Many YouTube influencers and companies sent more than just financial assistance. Truckloads of food are being delivered daily. Appeals for donations are fueling the reconstruction.

It's evident that many people did not anticipate their fellow human beings ignoring their plights. The disaster's victims are immensely grateful for any small act. During a visit to Ahr valley, it was clear that they appreciated the help and a sense of solidarity permeated.

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Source: www.onlinecasinosdeutschland.com


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