German Federal States

Fraudulent employees at a water company rob a couple.

On Wednesday morning (22.05.24), two individuals posing as water workers robbed a married couple in their residence on Rodeweg, Göttingen.

May 22, 2024
1 min read
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Gottingen is the location of a notable university. - Fraudulent employees at a water company rob a couple.

At approximately 9 a.m., two individuals disguised as workmen rang the doorbell of a senior's residence. They pretended to be there because of a supposedly burst water pipe in the neighborhood, allowing them entry into the apartment.

One scammer kept the elderly couple occupied, while the other search the rooms undetected, stealing an undisclosed amount of cash. The thieves then escaped unidentified. They're believed to be around 50 years old and of medium height, around 175 cm, with a stocky build, speaking High German.

So far, an extensive manhunt has been unsuccessful. The Göttingen police are requesting any information regarding the incident on their number 0551/491-2115.

As an advisement, the authorities warn against letting strangers into your home. Demand verification from anyone purporting to be an official, and if unsure, call the appropriate agency for verification. Legitimate tradesmen should only be welcomed if they're pre-scheduled or have been arranged by property management.

This information comes from official resources, using AI assistance. [#]

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