
Fourteen-year-old youth hijacks vehicle, results in a collision.

A teenager, aged 14, took a key from what appears to be an unlocked Mercedes and later on was involved in a car collision.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
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Rastatt's transformative journey: a German city reinvents itself - Fourteen-year-old youth hijacks vehicle, results in a collision.

Around 2am on 20th November, a teenager stole a car, driving off with it. The owner received a notification from a tracking system that the car was in motion. The tracking system indicated that a black Mercedes C-Class with Rastatt plates was on Baden-Baden's Ooser Bahnhofstrasse. A police patrol encountered the Mercedes in Rastatt, on the corner of Badener Straße/Kehler Straße, but they lost sight of it after a brief chase. The driver fled, driving recklessly and at high speeds.

Around 2:30am, the Mercedes driver yielded to a police patrol that had the right of way. The officers followed the vehicle from a distance until they reached "An der Bastion" street, where the Mercedes crashed into three parked cars at high speed. The driver was unharmed, but the teenage passenger sustained minor injuries. The total damage was estimated to be 50,000 euros. The young driver was arrested without incident and was later handed over to his parents. Criminal charges are being filed for the offenses committed under the Criminal Code.

Individuals who were jeopardized by the teenager's speeding or those who witnessed the black Mercedes are asked to contact the Bühl traffic service branch at 07223 808470.

This text is based on official information from the authorities and was generated using AI assistance.

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