
Four people sustained injuries in an accident involving a patrol car.

On Friday (17.05.2024), a vehicle collision occurred in Unterer Talweg, Haunstetten, causing at least moderate harm to four individuals.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
NewsFire departmentPoliceAccidentsKI-OTSRegionalDiseasesAugsburg
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Lower Valley Road / Augsburg - Four people sustained injuries in an accident involving a patrol car.

Around 11:35 a.m., a cop car was on the road Unterer Talweg with its lights and siren on. Suddenly, a Volvo swerved off "Auf dem Nol" and into Unterer Talweg, seeming to not notice the cop car. The two vehicles collided, causing the cop car to slam into a tree, a traffic sign, and another parked car. The front wheel of the cop car was ripped off its axle, flying into the parked vehicle next to it.

Everyone in the cop car and the Volvo was rushed to the hospital, and it's been said that they all have at least some injuries. Firefighters and a helicopter were called to the scene. Untere Talweg had to be closed for the authorities to inspect the accident and clean it up.

Both the cop car and the Volvo were completely written off, while the two parked cars were also seriously banged up. The total cost of the damage is estimated to be over 75,000 euros. Since the Volvo driver ignored the rule about who has the right of way, he's been slapped with charges of violating driving laws and causing harm by being careless.

This story's information came from the authorities, and they helped me create it with a special AI called KI.

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