
Four individuals break into a hotel and steal from the safe.

Four unidentified men carried out a significant robbery in Charlottenburg on Sunday evening, targeting a hotel on Rankestraße.

May 20, 2024
1 min read
NewsPoliceCrimeKI-OTSBerlinBerlin regional newsTheftViolence
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"Charlottenburg - News and Updates" - Four individuals break into a hotel and steal from the safe.

Early in the morning, at around 3, some bad guys made their way into the lobby of a hotel. They scared one of the workers by pulling out knives and told him to hit the floor. Once there, they rummaged through the front desk, lifted a cash box, and found a safe.

The 21-year-old worker had to open the safe up for them. The thugs got angry with him and beat him up, hitting his head and back. To make things worse, they also searched him and took his money and both his personal and business phones. When they got what they came for, they high-tailed it out of the hotel.

The only thing left behind was the 21-year-old's personal phone. The injured worker said no to medical attention. The case is now being handled by a specialized police group at the Police Directorate 2 (West).

This story is about real events and was helped along by an AI. [#(Super Simple Paraphrasing)]

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