
Forced entry into a cigarette vending machine.

In the Tauperlitz area, between Wednesday and Friday evening, an unidentified group forcibly opened a cigarette vending machine without anyone noticing.

May 11, 2024
1 min read
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Tauperlitz referred to - Forced entry into a cigarette vending machine.

A group of thieves made off with cigarettes and an unspecified amount of cash, and caused more than 500 euros worth of damage to property. Police in Hof are currently investigating the incident and are seeking out anyone who might have witnessed anything suspicious in Ascher Straße or the surrounding area. If you saw anything unusual or have any information, please get in touch with the Hof criminal investigation department by calling 09281/704-0.

This text is derived from official information provided by authorities and was generated using artificial intelligence.

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