
Five causes for early-morning headaches.

Doesn't only your alarm clock sound off in the morning, but also your head?

May 19, 2024
2 min read
Do you often wake up with a headache?
Do you often wake up with a headache?


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Starting the day with a painful head - Five causes for early-morning headaches.

Starting your day with a throbbing headache can be quite a nuisance. It's not often evident at first why you'd have a severe headache in the morning, except if you overindulged the night before. Causes for headaches are diverse, and understanding the origin of your pain is crucial to address it.

These could possibly be the explanations behind your morning ache:

Sleep Apnea

These headaches could point to sleep apnea (interrupted breathing) - apart from overwhelming daytime sleepiness and fatigue, it's one of the primary symptoms. They usually persist for around half an hour after waking up and are due to a lack of oxygen throughout the night. About four percent of all adults suffer from sleep apnea, but many are unaware of their condition.

Neck and Shoulder Tension

Poor sleeping posture could be the culprit; inadequate pillows or unsuitable mattresses can cause stiffness in your neck and shoulders, subsequently resulting in tension headaches. Grinding your teeth while sleeping can also cause tension in the jaw, contributing to morning headaches.


Migraines are especially frequent in the early morning hours, between 4 and 9 am. Our body produces fewer endorphins, which are natural painkiller chemicals, during this period. Additionally, the body releases more adrenaline in the morning to encourage wakefulness, triggering increased blood pressure and possibly migraines.

Painkiller Overuse

Morning headaches could also arise due to overusing painkillers. Although it sounds counterintuitive, constant use of medications, such as ibuprofen, can be responsible for the headache itself. The particular reason for these headaches is yet to be clarified; however, one assumption is that the nervous system becomes accustomed to the medication, making it more susceptible to pain triggers.

It's essential to take painkillers like ibuprofen for no more than ten days a month.

Health Problems like High Blood Pressure

A headache right after waking up is also a common symptom of high blood pressure. Surprisingly, over one-third of Germans suffer from this issue, with many unaware of their condition. High blood pressure isn't the only condition that may generate headaches. So, if you regularly wake with a heavy head without knowing the root cause, it might be beneficial to consult your doctor.

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