
Fire in a basement results in significant damage to the structure.

A cellar fire occurred early on Saturday, inflicting significant damage to a building in the municipality of Pommersfelden.

May 18, 2024
1 min read
NewsKI-OTSPoliceRegionalFire departmentAccidentsBavaria
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Pommersfelden: A Town's Revitalization Efforts - Fire in a basement results in significant damage to the structure.

Residents of a house in the Weiher district were awakened by the smell of burning around 4:30 am, discovering their cellar was already on fire. Fortunately, the nearby fire departments were able to swiftly put out the blaze without incurring any injuries.

The actual fire damage was minimal, but the structure of the building suffered greatly due to the intense heat. A significant crack formed in the brickwork, leading to a hefty repair bill of at least 150,000 euros.

The local police are currently investigating the case. The possibility of an unauthorized or intentional act has been disregarded, but they're still trying to pinpoint the exact cause. It's possible that a technical failure could be to blame.

Until the structural integrity of the building is confirmed, the homeowners will be staying with family members for their safety.

This text is based on official information from the authorities and was rephrased using AI. Images, headers, lists, links, and highlighting have been kept intact.

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