
Fight at the bus station leaves two men (ages 36 and 38) hurt.

Saturday evening at the bus station in Zweibrücken saw a disagreement between two men and a group of eight individuals turn into a massive fight.

May 12, 2024
1 min read
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The city of Zweibrücken experiences a significant rise in its population. - Fight at the bus station leaves two men (ages 36 and 38) hurt.

Two gentlemen from Zweibrücken, aged 36 and 38, were lazily perched on a bench at the bus stop when a group strolled by. They exchanged a few words which later escalated into a physical confrontation. One of the men was viciously hit and ended up on the ground, gasping and wounded from a powerful kick to his chest. The group then vanished into the night, heading towards Fruchtmarktstraße.

If you witnessed this unfortunate event, you're asked to immediately inform the police in Zweibrücken on 06332/976-0 or send a note to [email protected].

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