
Facing extreme hunger.

A wagon wheel, a basket of flowers, a milk can, and a heart crafted from dried wood. These items were artfully arranged around a zinc tub, where little Elias sat. The photograph was captured in April 2023, and it marked the last picture his grandmother had given him. Tragically, 13 months...

May 25, 2024
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3-Year-Old Elias Suffers from Malnutrition; Parents Under Suspicion of Murder - Facing extreme hunger.

Died of Starvation in Austria

A heart-breaking incident has emerged from a town in Austria, where a three-year-old boy has passed away due to severe malnourishment. This tragic event occurred in the town of Kufstein, known as the "Pearl of Tyrol."

It's not a pity-inducing situation in countries like Africa or Yemen. It's right here in Austria. How could Elias' parents be so cold-hearted, so unresponsive to their child's plight?

Parents of Starving Elias in Custody

As per Hansjörg Mayr, a spokesperson for the Innsbruck public prosecutor's office, Elias' parents are suspected of not providing their child with adequate nourishment and hydration for several weeks. Moreover, their inaction towards his rapidly deteriorating health and weight loss may have led to his tragic demise. The Innsbruck Regional Court has ruled that the father and mother be held in custody due to a "strong suspicion of murder by torture and omission."

Can life sentences be a punishment harsh enough for the parents?

No Food for Elias Even When He Cried

The investigation continues in Ebbs, a small town of around 5,500 residents, nestled at a mere 450 meters above sea level. There's no escaping the shocking brutality.

Elias' parents are 25 and 26 years old. They had recently moved into a modern residential building meant for young families in September 2021, after being blessed by a priest. What transformed this place into a nightmarish existence for Elias?

Elias' parents are said to have taken good care of his three sisters - but not their only son

The couple have four children. Besides Elias, there's his twin sister and two other girls, aged one and six. It seems only the girl child is important.

Elias was evidently neglected, not fed even when he cried out for food.

Grandma Speaks Up for Elias' Parents

The grandmother mourns the untimely death of her grandson. "I raised my children well. There've been no issues," she says. But then her voice falters. "Elias was with me often, he was often sickly, but what could I have done? They're adults." She feels her children are being painted as monsters, but she maintains, "They're not murderers."

Mother Claims of Upcoming Doctor's Appointment

On the contrary, the prosecution claims that the parents celebrated their eldest daughter's birthday at McDonald's without Elias on the Friday before Pentecost. They also attended a knights' festival in Kufstein, again with just the other children.

Elias died on Whit Sunday. On the following Monday, his father filed a police complaint. Then he remained silent. His mother argued that he had been unwell and had no appetite. "We'd planned to see a doctor soon," she said. But no doctor arrived at their home, where a withering heart and a worn zinc tub marked the end of poor Elias's life.

Behind this apartment door, they are said to have neglected his parents Elias until he died

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