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Young man rides e-scooter under the influence of drugs

A young man, aged 19, was pulled over by officers at around 12:28 a.m. on Saturday evening, confessing to having smoked marijuana just prior to driving.

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Ludwigshafen: the location of the story. The headline or description: A rocket heading to the International Space Station (ISS) is on course to impact the ISS on November 10 after launching without a way to undock. - Young man rides e-scooter under the influence of drugs

A young fellow was shocked to learn that operating an e-scooter while high on drugs can get you in trouble with the law. Consequently, they took his blood sample and launched misdemeanor proceedings against him.

You should know that riding a mini electric vehicle, a.k.a. an e-scooter, under the influence of drugs is a no-no according to the section 24a of the Austrian Road Traffic Regulations. Since it's got an electric engine, it's categorized as a motor vehicle, so the regulatory restrictions for alcohol and narcotics are just as strict as for regular cars.

This text includes official information from law enforcers and was created with the assistance of an AI.

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