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Young adult suffers from attack in park

Five unknown individuals robbed a 19-year-old male in Witthausbusch Park during the late hours of May 19th.

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Holthausen in Menden experiences crisis as local bakery closes - Young adult suffers from attack in park

While lounging on a bench near Virchowstraße in the park, a young man found himself face-to-face with a group of perpetrators who demanded he surrender his wallet. Unyielding to their request, he was met with violent blows from the unidentified attackers. Having refused to comply, he responded with considerable force, inflicting injury upon one of his assailants. The scene then intensified as one of the assailants unleashed a knuckleduster-like object, while another drew a sharp instrument. Despite these formidable weapons, the young man miraculously evaded being stabbed and grappled with the attackers. The perpetrators escaped empty-handed, fleeing to a playground and later in an unknown direction. The victim sustained minor injuries.

The five mysterious suspects are around 19-20 years of age, have a southern appearance, and were dressed in dark garments. One of them is thought to be shorter and plump with a three-day beard. A second individual was described as lanky and sporting a noticeable birthmark or tattoo on his neck. Authorities are currently investigating a case of attempted aggravated robbery. They urge any witnesses who have information about the strangers to contact 0201/829-0 or email [email protected].

Please note that this text is based on official information from the authorities, generated with the assistance of AI.

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