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You guide the pistol man from Hamburg.

High-rise building in Altona district becomes scene of an intense operation as gunshots ring out!

The shooter is taken away by police officers
The shooter is taken away by police officers

He fired shots from a tall building's balcony. - You guide the pistol man from Hamburg.

Around 10:30 pm, a man shot blanks from his sixth-floor balcony in an apartment building in Hamburg. The police rushed in and fired at the balcony, shattering the glass.

The crazed gunfire in Hamburg

Heavily armed special forces at the scene

Under the glow of the street lights, the special ops team cautiously crept up to the house. Their mission: to breach the shooter's flat.

The balcony window was shattered by the shots

When the man aimed his pistol at the officers and pulled the trigger, the cops responded with gunfire, shooting at least one bullet towards the balcony. The glass on the railing shattered due to this.

The motive of the perpetrator is still unclear

The arrest of the shooter

Police officers seek cover behind the door of a van

The shooter was drunk.

The area had been cordoned off over a wide area

No one nearby was in danger, it was announced by a police spokesperson. They didn't disclose any information about the shooter's motive at the time. Detectives were busy examining his apartment that evening. The same spokesperson also didn't confirm rumours of shots aimed at the cops.

The officers were shot at from this high-rise building
Spooky scene after the police close off the site

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