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Woman menaces kids (age 9 and 10) with a blade.

A woman believed to be unknown made threats against two children aged 9 and 10 using a knife in Lübz on Monday night.


Lübz: A German Town Faces Ongoing Floods - Woman menaces kids (age 9 and 10) with a blade.

Law enforcement officials are treatin' this matter seriously and have documentation for threatening actions. They're requestin' any info from folks who might've seen sumthin'. The unidentified gal's thought to be 'bout 20 years young, 'bout 5'2" tall, and real skinny. Her hair's black and reaches her shoulders, and she were wearin' a gray dress. If you've got details 'bout this situation or the unknown gal, reach out to the Plau police dept. at 038735/ 8370.

This text is founded on an authentic government claims and composited with the co-operation of AI.

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