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Wolf warnings issue on Hamburg's border

Wolf warning issued near Hamburg's border.

Wants to send the hunters to Alte Land: Stade District Administrator Kai Seefried
Wants to send the hunters to Alte Land: Stade District Administrator Kai Seefried

Over 20 sheep have met their end. - Wolf warnings issue on Hamburg's border

People are being encouraged to use a cell phone app to report a troublesome wolf that's been causing issues in a fruit-growing region close to the Elbe in Lower Saxony. This area is also frequented by tourists and has seen the wolf leap over electric fences with 3000 volts, killing 20 sheep along the way.

This particular wolf, around 11 months old, has lost all shyness and freely roams through farms, even approaching a tractor and refusing to be driven away by the farmer.

Wolf consultant, Michael Ohlhoff, age 60, explains that there's an app available where users can leave reports - location, actions, mischievous behaviors - on the she-wolf, as well as wanting pictures and videos. The she-wolf is also crossing state borders into Hamburg.

There are 600 wolves in Lower Saxony alone

Ohlhoff hopes to tranquilize the issue wolf and attach a GPS tracker to it, monitoring its movements at all times. He acknowledges the public's fear and concern, particularly regarding their children's safety.

She-wolves like the one in Jork need 3 kilos of meat daily. Their diet consists of hares, deer, or sheep. Humans are not part of their hunt.

Killed with a throat bite: Dike guard employee next to a torn sheep

District Administrator Kai Seefried condemns the state government for not yet having a manageable approach to the growing wolf population in Lower Saxony. He believes that there are 600 wolves in the state, which is double the required number.

If DNA tests confirm that the exact same she-wolf (with ID GW4032f) conducted the second attack on the dyke sheep in Jork, Seefried intends to send out hunters under his own accord to protect the dyke sheep.

Wants to send the hunters to Alte Land: Stade District Administrator Kai Seefried

Ohlhoff, however, opposes this idea: "We don't really need sheep for the dykes. In America, there are thousands of kilometers of dykes maintained without sheep."

Ohlhoff weighs in on the potential shooting of the problem wolf in Jork: "It's a political and legal decision if a swift cull will take place."

District Administrator Kai Seefried (2nd from right) stands in front of a dyke sheep torn by a she-wolf in April

Besides the problem wolf in Jork, there's also a pack of wolves in Oldendorf (consisting of 5-7 animals) and a pack of three wolves in the vicinity of Drochtersen. In the district of Harburg, two adults and seven cubs were discovered near Buchholz.

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