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Will Boris' engagement lead Elias to take the next step?

Akin to their father, Boris Becker's son Elias (24) radiates joy while his partner Yasmine Dahlberg (23) nestles close beside him and plants a warm kiss on his cheek. Their display of affection reveals their rapturous connection.

Hier zeigt Elisas Becker seine große Liebe Yasmine. Seit einem Jahr sind sie jetzt ein Paar
Hier zeigt Elisas Becker seine große Liebe Yasmine. Seit einem Jahr sind sie jetzt ein Paar

Son of Becker marks anniversary of love. - Will Boris' engagement lead Elias to take the next step?

The male model marked the couple's anniversary on Instagram with a joyful photo sharing post on Sunday. Could there be more cause for celebration in the near future?

"My love," Elias Becker captioned the happy couple's picture. In another post featuring a romantic snapshot, he gushed, "One year together" (One year with you). It appears these two kindred spirits have come across each other here. Just like his father Boris (56) and his beloved partner Lilian de Carvalho Monteiro (34)!

Yasmine strahlt und legt ihren Kopf an sein Gesicht. Man sieht, dass die beiden sich sehr gut verstehen

Recently, the happy couple showcased their love at the film festivals in Cannes. With tennis legend Boris by her side, risk analyst Lilian glided down the red carpet, wearing a dazzling diamond ring on her left hand. The couple got engaged!

Glückliches Paar: Boris Becker und seine Verlobte Lilian in Cannes

Perhaps this also incites Elias to follow suit, as he might be on the verge of making this commitment soon? If you browse through the numerous turtle pictures on his Instagram profile, one thing stands out: There, immense happiness can be seen everywhere!

Auftritt in Deutschland. Am 29. Februar besuchten Elias und seine hübsche Freundin Yasmine eine Veranstaltung in München

Even when he publicly congratulated her on her birthday on Instagram in January, you could already sense the depth of their love. He addressed her as "this little tortoise," saying, "You make every day a little better than the last."

Dieses romantische

For Elias, a new phase of life has begun. He has recently completed his film studies in New York. His proud cheerleader, Yasmine, was present to celebrate his graduation on May 18th.

Hurra, geschafft! Elias hat Regie und Schauspiel in New York studiert. Am 18. Mai freute sich Yasmine mit ihm über seinen Uni-Abschluss

We can keep an eye out for what plans the couple has in store - and when a sparkling ring will grace her finger...

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