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Why women are attracted to bad boys.

Women are drawn to 'bad boys' for mysterious reasons, but science explains it as a combination of genetics and evolution.

Just because someone has lots of tattoos and smokes doesn't make him a "bad boy" - but at least he...
Just because someone has lots of tattoos and smokes doesn't make him a "bad boy" - but at least he looks like one

Counselor discusses the notorious "bad boys" concept. - Why women are attracted to bad boys.

David Perl, a therapist from England, believes that women are subconsciously drawn to "bad boys" as partners, especially during ovulation, due to the potential for genetic superiority in their offspring.

Women attracted to "bad boys" for reproduction

The allure of the "bad boy" often comes from the alpha male characteristics, such as confidence and strength. These traits are particularly attractive to women during ovulation, as they indicate a good genetic match for producing strong, healthy babies.

In a video on TikTok, Perl promotes his "good gene hypothesis," which states that women tend to choose partners with the best genetic qualities to create viable and thriving children.

However, there's a potential catch: alpha males are known to flee quickly. Thus, many women end up with "nice guys" who are more stable, reliable, and committed to providing and protecting their family – all factors that can contribute to the survival and success of their offspring.

Ovulation effect: why women gravitate towards "bad boys"

A similar conclusion was drawn by Kristina Durante and her team at the University of Texas in 2012. During ovulation, women's preferences shift towards individuals they would not usually find attractive.

Durante explains that women in this hormonal state often fall for the "sexy" man, thinking he will become a devoted partner and better father for their children. According to Durante, the ovulating woman's distorted perception of the sexy "bad boy" turns "Mr. Wrong" into "Mr. Right."

In one study, women were asked to examine online dating profiles of men during their ovulation. They found that the women believed the charismatic and adventurous father would be an ideal candidate for childcare, cooking, and housework. Durante points out that "ovulating women think the charismatic and adventurous father would be a great father for their children."

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