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Who instigates the protests of anti-Semites?

Daily protests, anti-Semitic sentiments, and unrest on the city's thoroughfares. Over seventy planned pro-Palestinian rallies remain listed till the week's conclusion, with an additional event announced digitally.

On Wednesday evening, another pro-Palestine demonstration escalated in Berlin-Neukölln. The red...
On Wednesday evening, another pro-Palestine demonstration escalated in Berlin-Neukölln. The red triangle on the hand of a participant (left) is a Hamas symbol

The heart of Berlin serves as the location for this event. - Who instigates the protests of anti-Semites?

On Wednesdays, three anti-Israel protests occurred in Berlin, where participants hurled pyrotechnics, bottles, and stones at law enforcement officers, occasionally striking them with flagpoles. As a result, 19 criminal proceedings were initiated, three of which involved injured police officers.

On Thursdays, the scene was remarkably similar. The anti-Israel demonstrators in Kreuzberg and Neukölln pelted police with bottles and eggs. In one instance, a police vehicle was pelted with rockets.

The Riot Demonstrators' Motivation

The protestors showed a mix of left-wing youth and Islamic extremists, with some demonstrators advocating the establishment of a caliphate in Germany.

On May 26, Ahmad Tamim from

On May 26th, Ahmad Tamim from the "Generation Islam" group was noted by the Berlin Secret Service. Tamim was one of the many men congregating around him at a rally, forming a tight-knit circle.

Tamim and his friends reappeared at the next demonstrations. Fouad Abou Zaher, a regular speaker at the protests, was often in the limelight. He sang chants such as "Child killers, Israel; Women killers, Israel."

Israel-hater Israel has been a fixture at three evening protests since May 26th, encouraging a boycott of Zara. In separate videos, he excitedly railed against German media.

One day later, another demonstration on the Alex: Fouad Abou Zaher appears as a speaker, to his left as a steward with a vest Atooya Ata, to his right with a shirt Serhat Sisik aka

Other members of their friend group include Atooya Ata and Serhat Sisik, better known as "Aggression Problems." Ata acted as security at a recent protest and utilized Instagram to showcase the burning Israeli Embassy in Mexico.

Sisik primarily leverages his significant social media following (172,000 followers on Instagram) to draw attention to the riot demonstrations. He boasts of multiple complaints against him for "public incitement to crime, slander, defamation of political persons."

When Will Berlin Crack Down on This Situation?

Fouad Abou Zaher (left with Kufiya) was among those who took part in the escalating demonstration at Hermannplatz on Tuesday evening

The Berlin Police are preparing for potential future demonstrations in Kreuzberg and Neukölln, likely involving a mix of peaceful protesters, those intent on committing crimes, and aggressive youths.

"There are some older Palestinians who voice their opinions—mostly peacefully," said Slowik. "Then there are those ready to commit crimes. And then there are younger individuals, often referred to as 'intensifiers,' who see this as an opportunity to unleash their aggression."

How Will Berlin Police React?

Lots of police at the demonstration on Tuesday evening - a total of 230 officers were deployed

The police intend to take a firm stance in the coming days and nights. They plan to use searchlights, water cannons, and police dogs, if necessary and proportionate.

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