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Who does Yeliz's heart currently beat for?

Following her split from Yasin Mohamed (32), party-goer Yeliz Koc (30) has been seldom alone. The model moved on from the breakup and began to speak about her exciting feelings during spring. Exclusively for BILD, she shares an update on her love life.

Model Yeliz Koc hat ein turbulentes Liebesleben
Model Yeliz Koc hat ein turbulentes Liebesleben

The male dramas of Ochsenknecht's former life - Who does Yeliz's heart currently beat for?

This past Friday marked the Fame Fighting Challenger, a major celebrity boxing event where Yeliz first set foot into the ring solo. Interestingly enough, amidst the audience, she was seen laughing and conversing amicably with former flame Yasin. The pair have clearly maintained a strong bond post-relationship.

On a separate note, way back in April, Yeliz decided to share her "new kid" via her very own Instagram profile. In a question-and-answer session with fans, someone wanted to know whether Yeliz had met someone new recently, to which she responded positively: "Yes, I have."

Sie tauchten 2023 noch gemeinsam beim BILD-Fame-Fighting-Event auf: Yasin Mohamed und Yeliz Koc

One of her follower's concerns then shifted towards her love life, asking why she has such terrible luck with men. To address this, she took to the comments once more: "All I want is a man who'll treat me with respect. Please, nothing like a perpetually partying playboy."

Reality-Star Yeliz fand bisher keinen Partner, der ihr auf Dauer Halt gibt

Yeliz summed it up succinctly - "just a man and no big kid."

Paco Herb hatte 2022 mit Yeliz angebandelt. Später stellte er klar, dass das für ihn nicht mehr als ein Flirt war

For Yeliz, love stories often come with a dose of drama. She welcomed her beautiful daughter Snow Elanie (2) with a man, who she claims left her during her pregnancy. In a live broadcast, he identified himself as the "unwilling father" to their sweet child.

Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht und Yeliz Koc haben eine gemeinsame Tochter

And we all know what they say about third time's the charm. Not quite, in Yeliz's case. While participating in the reality show, "Make Love, Fake Love," she found love with Jannik Kontalis (27) only to realize later that it was nothing more than a false connection.

Nach der Trennung von Jannik Kontalis folgte eine Social-Media-Schlammschlacht

In case you're wondering, Yeliz's story dates back to 2018. She grabbed the tabloid headlines for slapping Daniel Völz (39) after a steamy encounter. The aftermath? Yeliz giving him a piece of her mind.

Still waiting for her own fairy tale ending, Yeliz's search for a lifelong partner continues...

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