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When I win big, this is what I'll accomplish.

German TV personality Evelyn Burdecki, age 35, is known for her remarkable success and lucrative earnings from her shows. Nevertheless, she is one of the six million-plus Germans who frequently participate in the lottery.

Evelyn Burdecki hat verraten, was sie sich von einem LOTTO-Gewinn kaufen würde
Evelyn Burdecki hat verraten, was sie sich von einem LOTTO-Gewinn kaufen würde

Passionate lotto enthusiast Evelyn Burdecki - When I win big, this is what I'll accomplish.

Evelyn Burdecki, a popular TV personality, has a unique dream about winning the lottery. Unlike most people who fantasize about fancy clothes, luxurious villas, or extravagant yachts, her dream is much more ambitious.

On the previous Sunday, Burdecki was a guest at the "Spring Festival 75 Years LOTTO Hessen" in Neu-Anspach and couldn't help but imagine the prize draw. She stated, "My dream would be to donate a lot and live out my goal: to fly into space!"

Given the current trends in the space travel industry, it's not unheard of to cough up €415,000 for a ticket to space.

Yet, despite her out-of-this-world aspirations, Burdecki manages to maintain a down-to-earth financial life. She currently resides rent-free with her mother and now drives an SUV instead of her old convertible. Although she's not partial to designer bags, she does enjoy purchasing affordable footwear, as evidenced by her recent Instagram post.

Considering her frugal lifestyle, Burdecki's fees for appearances are nothing short of impressive. She gained notoriety through various reality shows and has now become one of the most entertaining gossip bags on German television. Following her stint on "The Bachelor," she headed to the "Jungle Camp" and ended up on "Let's Dance."

Despite her humble beginnings, Burdecki has plans for her future wealth beyond just flaunting her fortune. She stated, "I would flaunt my luck but not hide it. And I'd use the money wisely - not just spend it all on superyachts or a house, that's not my style." Her ultimate goal with the earnings would be to make sure they don't vanish within two years.

Interestingly, Burdecki's true life-changing fortune doesn't depend on her bank balance: "The real jackpot would be when I eventually create a family."

Teure Häuser und Designerklamotten sind Evelyn Burdecki nicht so wichtig, dafür fährt sie lieber mehrmals im Jahr in den Urlaub nach Ibiza, Italien oder Dubai
Evelyn Burdecki auf der Bühne des Frühlingsfests von LOTTO Hessen. Sie trägt schwarze Schlappen, die sie am Tag vorher für fünf Euro gekauft hat und spricht mit Moderator Daniel Fischer (Mitte) und Eintracht-Frankfurt-Legende Karl-Heinz Körbel über ihre persönlichen Wunschträume

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