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What led to the police's delayed intervention?

Despite the fact that criminal activities had taken place, the university building was not evacuated until much later.

During the evacuation of the occupied Humboldt University building on Thursday evening, police led...
During the evacuation of the occupied Humboldt University building on Thursday evening, police led out around 170 pro-Palestinian activists

University protests in Berlin - What led to the police's delayed intervention?

The local authorities permitted the takeover of the university building. Consequently, no legal action was taken against the protesters. No news of the police intervening in the matter surfaced until the university president requested their help on Thursday evening to bring back order, as domestic authority had been disrupted.

The division responsible for the scientific faculty made the decision to end the occupation in a gathering that included the city's mayor, senator for science, and interior senator alongside Humboldt University's president. The reason for this was the discovery of criminal activities. The authority overseeing the internal administration organised detailed discussions prior to dissolving the protest.

The Humboldt-Universität president, or deans, lecturers, session leaders, and heads of technology if acting on her behalf, has the right to reside at the institution. The conduct within the property is specified in regulations such as, "Property and buildings must always be treated in line with their intended purpose and with care, and resources and materials must be used efficiently."

For example, "Posters, notifications, announcements, messages, etc., can only be displayed on designated notice boards or display cases. The content and subject of the display should not infringe on fundamental rights or harm the reputation of the HU."

Generally, a process known as the "Berlin Line" governs evictions in the city of Berlin. Created in the early 1980s by then-mayor Hans-Jochen Vogel (SPD), it was devised for the western section of the city. It stipulates that properties occupied for less than 24 hours are to be vacated immediately. For buildings that have been occupied for a longer period, the owner must acquire a court order to facilitate the evacuation.

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