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Investors Janna Ensthaler and Carsten Maschmeyer take a close look at the toy building blocks for...
Investors Janna Ensthaler and Carsten Maschmeyer take a close look at the toy building blocks for rebuilding bionic mechanisms from Cbionic Toys

"The Den of the Lion" - What items have been awarded a deal?

The tv show "Die Höhle der Löwen" has once again brought together ambitious entrepreneurs and generous investors that aim to back the hottest start-ups. This year, several intriguing products have received funding.

Winners from episode 1

  1. Toni's mold shock 5.0

Sandro Heindl and Peter Richter showed their antimicrobial paint that claims to combat mold. After a successful lab test, the team landed a deal with Ralf Dümmel. For €200,000, he received a 25% stake in their company.


Carsten Kraus and Markus Vollmer are on a mission to transform video calls. Their AI-driven software helps users maintain a natural connection during video calls. Carsten Maschmeyer invested €500,000 in the company and got a 7.5% stake, with the possibility of growing to 10%.

  1. Good Decision

Monika and Michael Nätscher created a toothpaste with dragon's blood, harvested from a special Amazon tree. After a deal with Ralf Dümmel, he gave them €100,000 in exchange for a quarter of the company.

Winners from episode 2

  1. Steiner GmbH

Matthias and Inge Steiner, former Olympians, revealed their healthy food assortment. Their low-carb products aim to improve consumer eating habits. They received a €300,000 investment from Nils Glagau for a 15% share in their company.

Monika and Michael Nätscher present good decision, a refillable toothpaste with dragon's blood
  1. Pee & Bob

Anna Wirsching invented a portable folding potty. They pitched their product to investors and secured a €60,000 deal with Dagmar Wöhrl and Ralf Dümmel, getting a 20% share in their company.

  1. La Cascara

Lisah Dietrich and Constantin Müller developed an aperitif based on the coffee cherry exudate. The founders wanted to exchange 25% of their company for €110,000, but Tillman Schulz proposed the same value for a 20% stake. They eventually accepted his offer.

Winners from episode 3

  1. Betula Natura

Sixteen-year-old Valeria Weingardt shared her birch bark toothbrush cover. The antibacterial, water-repellent, breathable, and easy-to-clean material convinced Ralf Dümmel. He invested €60,000 for a 20% stake in the company.

  1. ByeByeToe

Marie Mueller showed her thong design, boasting a soft cushion that prevents the dreaded "pulling in the crotch" effect, or "cameltoe." Tijen Onaran entered into a deal, giving €100,000 for a 10% stake in the company.

  1. Peers.
Beixi Jia and Julian Stodt present tea meditation boxes with Mind Vacations

Julia Maria Hautumm, Sophie Schürmann, and Max Kirschning developed the "peers." platform, aiming to unite like-minded people through AI-driven group courses. They sought €400,000 for a 10% stake, ultimately agreeing to a 16% stake with a combined deal from Dagmar Wöhrl and Carsten Maschmeyer.

Winners from episode 4


Beixi Jia and Julian Stodt shared their method for mental relaxation through tea meditation, with their "MIND VACATION BOX" containing a meditation cup and an app with specialized tea meditations. Janna Ensthaler and Dagmar Wöhrl offered €80,000 for a 40% stake, but the founders settled for a 30% stake.

  1. tickSAFE

Dr. matthias Meinhold invented the "tickSAFE tick gripper," a pressure pin with soft gripper jaws used to safely remove insects without crushing or leaving heads attached. Ralf Dümmel offered him €100,000 for a 30% share in the company.

Winners from episode 5

  1. Cbionic flexible building block set

Johor and Tobias presented their flexible building blocks covering nature patterns. When pitching their idea to the investors, they requested €200,000 for 20% of the company. They eventually sealed a deal with Carsten Maschmeyer, who invested €150,000 for a 20% share.

Drawing inspiration from his childhood experiences, Pasternak created a distinct building block design that imitates natural movements in contrast to conventional models. Ralf Dümmel successfully negotiated with Marcel Pasternak, securing a 20% stake in the company in exchange for a 320,000 euro investment.

Franziska Scheuerle presents

Water Lily Pops

Shweta Pahuja-Markull and Lars Markull launched "Water Lily Pops", a novel snack made from water lily seeds. These treats boast high amino acid content, are low in fat, vegan, sugar-free, and gluten-free, with no preservatives or additives. Tillmann Schulz and Tijen Onaran finalized the agreement and invested 100,000 euros for a 20% stake in the company.


Franziska Scheuerle introduced a digital platform specializing in luxury commissions for art. Featuring an algorithmic artist recommendation system, this platform considers an uploaded image of the interior and selected options to pair you with the perfect artist. Ultimately, Carsten Maschmeyer invested 200,000 euros for 30% ownership instead of the initial 10%.

Companies that sealed deals in episode six

Nature Pandan

Anne Rich exported pandan palm leaves to share their superfood properties. Her vision lies in creating a unique range of products for baking and cooking, with the benefit of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Nils Glagau and Ralf Dümmel collaborated on a deal, investing 50,000 euros for 30% ownership of the company.


Alina and Christian Hanauer unveiled a snorkel mask enhancing CO2 reduction and offering a solution to pendulum breathing. To expand their business internationally and via retail, the pair approached the Dragons. All investors offered a deal, and the duo ultimately selected the combined investment of 350,000 euros from Tillmann Schulz and Carsten Maschmeyer, granting them a 10% stake. The pair agreed to the deal, receiving 10% in return.

Founder couple Alina and Christian Hanauer present their company

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