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What it offers for aspiring physicians

Nearly 5,000 GP positions remain unfilled in Germany, potentially increasing in the future due to the high average age of doctors. Concurrently, there is a shortage of medical school slots.

Zwei Medizinstudenten beim praktischen Studium
Zwei Medizinstudenten beim praktischen Studium

Reform in healthcare - What it offers for aspiring physicians

Doctors Moving On?

Medical studies remain popular, according to Dr. Andreas Gassen (61) in an interview with BamS. Despite this, the number of medical students choosing to focus on family medicine is dwindling. Gassen blames Health Minister Lauterbach, citing inadequate conditions such as excessive bureaucracy, insufficient digitalization, and a lacking financial situation as the root of the problem.

His solution? "The environment needs to improve - politicians must act swiftly." The decision to increase the number of medical student spots lies with the federal states, and the effects won't be immediate.

Today, Germany has around 10,000 medical students, and on average, 3 to 4 hopefuls vie for each available spot.

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