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What is the identity of "The Fly"?

Action movie-like scenes take place in Val-de-Reuil, France, as gangsters attack a prisoner transporter and set free Mohamed A. (30), a dangerous criminal. The aftermath includes the deaths of two law enforcement officers and serious injuries to three others. The nation feels baffled, trying to...

Mohamed A. - known as "The Fly" - was to be transferred to another prison. Heavily armed...
Mohamed A. - known as "The Fly" - was to be transferred to another prison. Heavily armed accomplices attacked the van in which he was sitting

Criminal escapes from prisoner transfer; now considered fugitive - What is the identity of "The Fly"?

At a toll station in Normandy, at 11 am, heavily armed criminals cause a collision between a van carrying Mohamed A. (referred to as "La Mouche" or the fly) and a Peugeot. They then open fire, endangering Mohamed's life before eventually extracting him from the van and escaping in two getaway cars. One of the cars was found abandoned, presumably burnt out in the area. The criminals remain undetected.

Recently in the news, "The Fly" was convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison for grand theft. Committing crimes during August and October 2019 in Évreux, he also has a prior history of more serious crimes such as attempted murder and intentional homicide during a drug deal.

It's said Mohamed A. is the leader of a drug-driven crime network and has been in and out of prison in recent years. He allegedly tried acquiring a hacksaw to saw through his cell bars. In light of his latest transgressions, he was placed in solitary confinement just two days prior to the attack. His reach seems to have extended beyond the prison walls, enabling his associates to track his transfer to a new institution.

Pres. Macron Stands United

During their escape, the gangsters left one of their getaway cars behind and set it on fire

French President Emmanuel Macron expressed that the attack was "shocking news for all of us" in a statement posted online. He declared that France as a nation will support the hurting, wounded, and their coworkers through this terrible ordeal. "All the necessary measures will be taken to capture these assailants", Macron affirmed.

Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti assembled a crisis team after the attack. He vowed to "do everything" to locate "those responsible for this despicable incident". The perpetrators "will be traced, they will be tried, and they will face the consequences of their actions," said the minister.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin reportedly mobilized no less than "several hundred police officers and gendarmes" in the pursuit of the criminals. Using all resources at their disposal, the task force continues to make every effort to locate the perpetrators. "We won't rest until these wrongdoers are apprehended," Darmanin ensured the public.

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